The greatest gift you can give to your child is your love, your time and your attention.

Parenting is a Journey.

With the arrival of our baby boy in 2022, HELLO, OUR LITTLE ONE was born out of our passion to bring you the best range of baby products around the world. Because, as parents, we understand that all baby-related products which we give to our beloved one should be safe. We aim to source trendy yet non-toxic baby products for you so that you don’t have to.

"It is not only children who grow. Parents do too." - Joyce Maynard

HELLO, OUR LITTLE ONE is a way to record every baby milestones of our little one, also serves its purpose of keeping our parenting journal - preserving memories for our little family.

  • We Encourage Parent-child Reading

    There are numerous benefits of parent-child reading. Aside from developing their listening and reading skills, it also helps to create a strong bond with your child. Be sure to spend 15 minutes a day to read with your little one.

  • We Advocate Play-based Learning

    Play is much more than just having fun. Children develop their physical and social skill through play. It also fosters cognitive growth, promotes healthy development and critical thinking skills.

  • We Practice Toy Minimalism

    Choose fewer, but better. 

    Having fewer toys encourage more creative and imaginative play, and is directly correlated with problem solving skill. With fewer distraction and options, children are more likely to find ways of playing with their toys in a creative way.

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